This can help with the payment required to repair a watercraft after an accident and with the replacement costs if stolen. In most cases it will protect the boat if its on land or in water.
Boat Insurance
Boat insurance can cover water crafts to include yachts, sailboats, personal watercraft or motorboats as well as damage to other persons or boats by your watercraft.<br /> Here's a more detailed look at the types of coverage often included in a typical boat insurance policy:<br />
What Does it Cover?
If you or your passengers are injured while in your boat, this will pay for the expenses that occur. This may include x-rays, hospital bills, physical therapy and medication.
Just as in auto insurance, if an uninsured boater hits your watercraft and any of your passengers are hurt, this policy can help with any expenses that may occur.
Contact us at 803-547-0000 for more information or request a quote today.